Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Greater are the bonds of friendship,
When the smile on your face,
Brings radiance on mine,
While a droplet of tear in your eyes,
Steals my  happiness and shine.

Years together we played and fought,
And never did we care for any other thought,
Jokes and pranks all the way,
Was the gist of life for a day.

 As we grew up and went apart,
On the path of life with a new start,
The road seemed so difficult,
With the friend's depart.

Travelling down the culvert of life,
Facing everyday some kind of strife,
We forget to live and smile,
Coz the friend whom we ignored ,
By whose jokes we got bored;
Is the one who kept us away from wile.

Friends go away,
But friendship stays,
Even after years apart,
Two friends still laugh,
As they did while eating the tart.

We realise this when we become old,
When there're many stories to be retold,
Because in the fight for survival,
We forget all our friends ,
And remembered the rivals.

Before it gets so late ,
That your friends become like nameplates,
Revive the bonds and the ties,
For this is the true value of life.

Monday, February 27, 2012

My friend,my wife!!

There is something in the air today,
As I can feel your presence all the way,
The path is nothing new for me,
But the aura of nature speaks it in a strange way.

Life goes on ,time never halts,
For the arms of the clock never stop,
Many come in a life ..
And only a few stay..
But there's only one who stands all thru the way.

This dawn is beautiful and special,
These golden rays reflecting like unusual,
Today all  looks  so different,
even though alls same..
for I have met myself with a new name.

This me is my reflection,
Which never leaves or strays me
Shows me the perfect view of things,
To make  the ideal decisions to think.

Be my friend in the path of life,
As I am all alone without you ,
I shall always keep you in my heart ,
And love you as my WIFE...

For the few words that I can think of,
Life doesn't become
Something less precious..
For the more words ..
If I dream of..
Life does give me..
The options ..
To get big and more bigger..

It all depends on what we think and what we culminate in our mind..For it is well said .we make our own destiny and destiny makes our life.
God is with the people who help themselves and are capable of dreaming and are convinced about their dreams..
Dreams about something immature or out of greed isn't helpful.Our dreams toolike our emotions should be true enough to realise them into reality..
For if the dreams are false and unethical they give rise to thoughts that aren't true..Malice and false ego never takes us higher but instead takes us down the path of life..
For dreams to be fulfilled ..let us dream of things true to our heart that bring joy to us and happiness to others..dreams of which we are proud of and of which God shall always be with  us..