Thursday, March 7, 2013


Fragrances in air, jasmine sways,
the silvery shine of the moon rays,
my trinklets clink,
anklets tink,
I await for the beloved ...
in the turquoise deck up.
Will he know my presence here,
hidden behind the jasmine bushes,
will his arrival be a surprise,
or the music of the flute...
shall reach me before the saviour!



An all embracing cloud ,
Moving unfettered without  any bounds,
Generously showering droplets,
Wherever it moves around…
Incandescent  coloured  warmth profound,
Cuddling each and every object on ground,
All and sundry yearning for its closeness,
The most fortunate will only get the success,
Propitious and blessed is the soul,
Which  gets welcomed  in its encirclement as whole…